Sunday, February 15, 2009


Licked a doorknob?
counted the tiles on the ceiling/floor?
laughed so hard you cried?
coughed so hard you cried?
seen a ghost?
failed a class?
been on stage?
sang in front of a bunch of people?
forgot someone's birthday?
returned a birthday gift someone gave to you?
kissed someone of the same sex?
been on TV/in the newspapers?
written a song for someone?
role played a character from an anime/manga/show?
written a love note to someone?
had a secret admirer?
been a secret admirer?
been in love so much it hurt?
played Dance Dance Revolution?
if so, do you suck at it?
gotten straight A's on your report card?
fallen down a flight of stairs?
fallen going UP the stairs?
proposed to someone (playing around or otherwise)?
been proposed to (playing around or otherwise)?
thought you wanted to become a teacher?
lost your money to a vending machine?
kicked/punched a vending machine in pure rage?
gotten caught in a revolving door?
kissed more than one person in the same day?
gotten so drunk you passed out?
made your own survey?
been whipped with a towel?
accidentally slammed your hand in a door?
jumped in a puddle?
gotten caught in the rain?
been to a concert?
met someone famous in person?
slipped in front of a bunch of people?
cheated on a test?
had to repeat a grade over in school?
won an award?
been involved in a team sport (baseball, soccer, etc.)?

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