Monday, February 9, 2009


♥Bold it, baby.

1. I brush my teeth once a day.
2. I brush my teeth twice a day.
3. I actually brush my teeth three times a day!
4. A tooth brush? What's that?
5. I go to the dentist for regular cleanings.
6. I've had a cavity drilled before.
7. I've had a root canal.
8. I've used some sort of teeth whitener and it worked great.
9. My teeth are stained yellow
10. I've only had one to three cavities.
11. I'd had four or more cavities.
12. I'll admit, I sometimes forget to brush my teeth before bed.
13. I have braces.
14. I had braces.
15. I have/had braces and I have/had to wear those annoying rubber bands with them.
16. I had braces and didn't wear my retainer, so my teeth shifted.
17. I brush my hair three times daily.
18. I don't brush my hair that often.
19. I wash my hair once or twice a week.
20. I wash my hair everyday.
21. I wash it every other day.
22. I have dandruff.
23. I get a hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks.
24. Sometimes I go months without a haircut.
25. I use both shampoo and conditioner when washing my hair.
26. I shave everyday.
27. I only shave when I'm going somewhere.
28. I use bar soap in the shower.
29. I use liquid soap in the shower.
30. I wash my hands whenever I come back from going somewhere.
31. I rarely wash my hands.
32. I wash my face three times a day.
33. I wash my face once or twice a day.
34. I have acne and it won't go away.
35. I have perfectly clear skin.
36. I have oily skin.
37. I have dry skin.
38. I have a mixture of the above.
39. I wash behind my ears.
40. I like steamy hot showers.
41. I like warmish hot showers.
42. I like room temperature showers.
43. I like cold showers.
44. I hate when people think that swimming in a pool constitutes as a bath.
45. I take my makeup off before going to bed.
46. I always put Chapstick on so my lips don't get chapped.
47. I keep my fingernails neatly clipped and groomed.
48. I have fake nails.
49. I have long nails.
50. I actually wash under my fingernails.
51. I use douche.
51. I wash my "lady parts" frequently.
52. I shave my "lady parts".
53. [If you have stretched ears] I clean my ear piercings often.
54. I get lint in my belly button.
55. [If you have any newer piercings] I clean my piercings daily.
56. I pop pimples.
57. I leave pimples alone until they go away.
58. I wear a LOT of makeup.
59. I don't wear too much makeup.
60. I don't wear any at all.
61. I use fake tanning lotions.
62. I actually go tanning in a tanning salon.
63. I invest a decent amount of money on hygiene and beauty products.
64. I've gotten my ears pierced at a department store before.
65. I've pierced my own ears before.
66. I've pierced something other than my ears before.
67. ...and it came out fine.
68. ...and it got infected.
69. ...and I just eventually took it out.
70. I have an oily scalp.
71. My hair doesn't get that oily.
72. I can't go a DAY without washing my hair or it gets oily.
73. I leave my hair natural when it dries.
74. I blow dry my hair.
75. I curl or scrunch my hair.
76. I straighten my hair.
77. I let my hair dry in a braid so it comes out wavy.
78. My natural hair is SO ugly.
79. I don't mind my natural hair too much.
80. I wear a wig.
81. I have short hair.
82. I have long hair.
83. I have medium length hair.
84. I have a crazy hair style (Mohawk, liberty spikes, etc.)
85. I don't do much to my hair in the morning.
86. I use several products in my hair.
87. I couldn't LIVE without my straightener/curling iron/blow dryer.
88. I pee in the shower.
89. I pee in the pool.
90. I refuse to sit on public toilets.
91. I put toilet paper on the seat before sitting.
92. I squat.
93. I don't use public restrooms at all!
94. I wash my hands after going to the bathroom.
95. ...well, only in public.
96. I take a shower every day.
97. I take one every other day.
98. I didn't take a shower for three or more days once.
99. I prefer baths to showers.
100. I think this survey was weird.
[ Love from ServinSurveys dot multiply dot com ]

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