Monday, February 16, 2009

My life is 80% good.

♥Bold it, baby.

1. You're taken and happy.
2. You have at least one person you can trust fully.
3. You have at least 10 good friends.
4. You think your parents are pretty good to you.
5. You're friendly with everyone or mostly everyone at school.
Total so far: 5

1. You get good/decent grades.
2. You're a quick learner.
3. You mostly look forward to going to school.
4. Most of your friends go to your school.
5. You don't get in trouble a lot.
Total so far: 8

1. You have your own room.
2. You get allowance.
3. You have your own computer.
4. You have your own cell phone and/or phone line.
5. You have a well-paying, good job that you like.
Total so far: 11

1. You have a lot of privacy.
2. You get along with your siblings.
3. You can talk to your parents about most things.
4. You're in love with someone and happy with it.
5. You're content with the way you look.
Total so far: 16

1. People compliment you often.
2. You believe in yourself.
3. You're working on achieving your goals.
4. You're happy most of the time.
5. You rarely ever cry.
Total so far: 21

1. You have your own radio/CD player/iPod/MP3 Player/etc.
2. You don't often find yourself wanting more things.
3. You don't wish to be someone else.
4. You have a television in your room.
5. You have your own computer in your room.
Total so far: 23

1. You hang-out/try to hang-out with your friends often.
2. You get out and do things a lot.
3. You know how to have fun without going somewhere.
4. You enjoy eating together with your family.
5. You've been on at least one date before.
Total so far: 27

1. You've kissed someone other than family and friends.
2. You've had at least one boyfriend/girlfriend.
3. You have/had a relationship that lasted more than two months.
4. You know how to make the best of it when you're single.
5. You're content with your love life at its current state.
Total so far: 32

1. You have a sibling you get along with really well.
2. You get to see your favorite family members often.
3. You don't give in to peer pressure.
4. You couldn't care less about the popular kids at school and what they say.
5. You don't judge and/or label people a lot.
Total so far: 35

1. You think your life is pretty good.
2. You've never tried to kill yourself.
3. You've never self-harmed.
4. You've never been clinically depressed.
5. You have most of the things that you think will make your life complete.
Grand total: 40

Multiply your final number by 2.
That's the percentage of how good your life is.
My life is __% good.

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