Saturday, February 7, 2009


♥Bold it, baby.

1. A car accident
2. Major surgery
3. Getting lost in a big store
4. Having someone wear the same dress as me at prom
5. Splitting my pants in public
6. Throwing up in public
7. Peeing my pants in public
8. Leaking on my period in public
9. Spitting all over someone special
10. A snake bite
11. A spider bite
12. Getting a horrible haircut
13. Getting a horrible hair coloring done
14. Stepping in dog poo and having it on my shoe the whole day
15. Having a picture taken with spinach (or any other icky food) in my teeth
16. Having a bird fly overhead and poop on me
17. Being told to go F*ck myself
18. Having gum stuck in my hair
19. Walking in on my parents 'doing it'
20. Walking in on ANYONE 'doing it'
21. Burning a body part of me with my straightener/curling iron
22. Farting in front of my crush.
23. Slipping in the middle of a highly populated area
24. Being caught dancing (and possibly singing) in my underwear
25. Breaking the dress code..then having to go home and change
27. Changing a baby with an upset stomach's diaper
28. Running from an angry bee, then having him catch and sting me
29. Wearing a white shirt on a rainy day...then getting soaked
29. Having my thong hang out all day without knowing it
30. Having my skirt tucked into my panties all day without knowing it
31. Talked rudely about someone only to realize they were right behind me
32. Getting caught using profanity by an authoritative figure
33. Getting caught taking the last cookie from the cookie jar
34. Getting caught stealing money
35. Getting caught puking after a rather drunken night
36. Getting caught with drugs 'in my pocket'
37. Being spit on by an enthusiastic animal
38. Losing my keys
39. Being locked out of my car/house
40. Losing a loved one
41. Breaking up with a significant other
42. Going into the opposite sex's bathroom
43. Walking in on a stranger changing clothing
44. Walking in on a stranger in a bathroom stall
45. Not having a present for someone who gave me a present
46. Having my crush see me with no makeup
47. Wearing a skirt or shorts without shaving my legs
48. Breaking my tailbone
49. Getting a hickey
50. Having to sing/act/dance/perform something in front of a large general public
[ Love from ServinSurveys dot multiply dot com ]

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