Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Random blogging #8

1. I have a strong immune system
2. I think it's cute when a guy is close with his mom
3. I wear gray eyeliner
4. I cannot finish an entire pizza on my own, unless it's individual-sized
5. I don't eat pickles by themselves
6. ...I only have them in burgers, if at all
7. I refuse to wear neon colors
8. My favorite color from the rainbow is blue
9. I don't like sleeping with socks on unless it's really cold
10. I prefer glue sticks to bottled glue
11. I don't like soy milk
12. But I do like soy burgers
13. I prefer Kosher hot dogs to normal ones
14. I currently have a hickey
15. It bothers me when people borrow my things without asking
16. I visit the postsecret website every Sunday
17. I've been to Las Vegas
18. I've never left my country
19. I live in California
20. I can almost do the splits
21. I like making people smile when they're sad
22. ...but I don't like it when people are sad
23. Watching others yawn makes me yawn as well
24. I've wished on a shooting star
25. I've never climbed a tree
26. I'm a bookworm
27. I started puberty at a young age
28. Humidity makes my hair have static
29. ...I hate that
30. It's hard to get on my bad side
31. And it's even harder to get back on my good side
32. I'm currently sleepy but I don't want to sleep yet
33. I do not have a bed time
34. But I have a curfew
35. I like spinach
36. I'd love to work at a book store or a pet store
37. I love the smell of coffee
38. I type pretty fast
39. I have a flip flop tan
40. I don't like it when people touch my feet
[ Love from ServinSurveys dot multiply dot com ]
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